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White papers

Wearable App Audit – template: A downloadable document outlining 3 major apps, highlighting its user experience and recommendations from Sourcebits. A campaign focusing on the future of wearables.


Instagram focused white paper: One of the most successful mobile apps on the market- and it didn’t happen by chance. This new report explores three factors that have driven Instagram’s growth and the lessons every app can learn from them.


Marketing downloadable white papers: Used by sales team, nurtured email campaigns and social media platforms, targeting potential customers to learn more about the company’s product and services. Other assets created for this: social media banners, display ads, emails, blogs & landing pages


Enterprise Mobile Apps That Matter: Mobile enterprise apps offer the potential to generate billions in new revenue, while significantly improving employee productivity. Forward companies are quickly embracing 5 new rules to deliver apps that matter and Globo would like to share this with you.